Kick Out Frustrations To Open The Door of Opportunity!!!

 It's not common that we hear people talk about depression in life, losing interest in the job. Frustrated with the work at the office. 

1. Depression or rather the frustration at work !!!

The state of depression is the persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest which affects both the mental and physical state of a person. 

The state of Frustration is an emotion that causes angered and annoyance when something is not achieved or appreciated.

I could relate to it's not the depression rather frustration that normally hits one or the other employee at some point in the corporate world. We have to understand that everything can’t be achieved in a short span of time or some goals might be out of reach to us, it might take some time or the process to achieve it. If you are feeling depressed by the frustration in the work, then let's understand and try to root cause what you didn't like about the work that made your mind take rest. 

Here are the steps to follow

a. Work on it to understand the problematic situation.

b. Write down what you like and what you don't in your workplace. 

c. Focus on what you like and what works best for you

d. Try to overcome the negatives or weaknesses if anything found during the retrospection.

e. Improve on yourself and create your work-life balance

2. Companies are always ready to hire you!!!

Definitely yes, Until and unless you have a clear reason to defend against the gap created by quitting the job. Give a prompt definition of what you did during your break. Maybe some productive things that you have been involved in.

Nowadays, Companies also have a Sabbatical Leave policy which renders the employees enjoy their passion without risking the termination of employment.  You can talk to your Manager and tell him about your interests and passions which you would like to pursue. It's a kind of official leave without pay.

 Tailor your resume mentioning the right reason for the break in the career/job

a.  It can be anything productive work you are involved in 

b. A  holiday trip with family or any special reason where you opted out 

c. A personal goal or a passion you wanted to pursue

d. Ensure that you are updated with the market technologies, a skill set that is in demand, the personal traits, or the experience which the recruiter is looking for in you.

Hope this helps. Good luck !!!


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